Song: The Getaway by Stellar Dreams from The 80’s Dream Compilation Tape – Vol.

Earthworm Gods I and II: Apocalyptic horror novels about a rainy end of the world.Pay what you want, so no excuse not to get it. Save Game: A new setting for Fate Core.Plague Evolved: Kill people with plagues in video game format.Fordlandia: A book about Henry Ford’s failed rubber plantation in Brazil.Binary Domain: Shoot robots! Chat with teammates! Shoot more robots! Not that French robot, he’s cool.Gandalfs Battle On The Bridge In The Mines Of Moria. I asked Jimmey Todd, a good friend of mine. By default, moria will save and restore games from a file called moria.save in the home directory. Mega usually means one million but here it means big. Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File. Nazi Mega Weapons: Nazis built really big guns.Death Skid Marks: Drive! Shoot! Take Drugs! Die! Play Again!.Mysteries at the Museum: It’s a TV show, about mysterious things in museums.We Have Always Lived in the Castle: An excellent novel about a most unusual pair of sisters.From action films to history books, there’s a lot of gameable material in the world, but some things are more gameable than others. In this episode, Tom and I discuss what makes something truly gameable or not. Synopsis: You know you’re a true tabletop gamer when you see everything in terms of how gameable it is. News: A new Base Raiders PDF supplement, Vintage Villainy, is out! Pick it up today or if you backed the Boiling Point Kickstarter, you will get your copy soon.