Power bi parallels mac
Power bi parallels mac

The Intel version can run literally dozens of different virtual machines – 10 versions of Windows and Windows Server, as well as Boot Camp 11 versions of macOS, including the upcoming macOS 12 Montery and eight distros of Linux officially, though a Parallels spokesperson told me that it will run four more unofficially. Even Windows 10 and 11 Preview boot times are snappy, certainly faster than booting up a real Windows PC. From a cold start, in which the app must launch as well as the virtual machine, it’s about double that to resume, but that’s still pretty impressive.

power bi parallels mac

On my Intel iMac, Parallels 17 gets very close to instantaneous suspend and resume times, with three seconds to suspend and just two seconds to resume, when Parallels is running. It works so well, you can even suspend the guest operating system while it’s doing something as critical as applying a software update without doing harm. When they need to work on it again, they just resume it, and the virtual machine wakes up in the same state as before.

power bi parallels mac

This takes the current state of the machine running in the host Mac’s memory and saves it to disk (or an SSD). One of the things many Parallel users do frequently is suspend a virtual machine, rather than shutting it down, when they are no longer using it.

power bi parallels mac

That’s true on the Intel side for Parallels 17, though I’d have to say that version 16 was pretty damned zippy. With each annual release, Parallels is touted as being faster than the previous year’s version.

Power bi parallels mac